
Find what you want, when you want it, wherever you are, and however you want!

Since the first days of Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service, our broadcasts have been transmitted to special radio receivers over a subcarrier frequency. While this technology remains the foundation of our service, today our programs are also available online – 24/7, 365 days a year. Information for accessing our programs is available below.

If you are someone who is unable to read a book or any other printed matter and would like to listen to these programs over a radio, you can have one loaned to you at NO COST. Simply download and complete a Listener Application and return it by regular mail or email and we will contact you to arrange delivery. That’s how easy it is!

Listening devices include a tabletop radio, portable radio, tablet, laptop, smart phone and smart speakers

Programs and content provided by your Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service are intended for listeners who are blind, have low vision, or have another print disability that makes reading, holding a book, or turning a page difficult or impossible. Content is copyrighted by the respective publishers. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

Please note that due to content changes by the respective publishers, these program selections are subject to change. 

Buffalo &
Western New York



NFRRS International

The News in Your Language!  

We are excited to bring you the Buffalo News in Spanish and the New York Times in Mandarin, plus the Am-Pol Eagle in English, on a weekly basis. These offerings are available here on our website and in your favorite podcast service so you can listen anytime. Stay tuned as this evolving service adds new publications and languages! 

The following recordings are not currently available on our regular broadcast, but are equally important. Your Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service is proud to bring you these programs.

Keep up with the latest news and information for people with disabilities! Produced by our affiliate, Western New York Independent Living, “Independent Perspective In Depth” features conversations and interviews with people and organizations that serve people with disabilities. 

NFRRS airs the program Sunday mornings from 8:30 AM to 9 AM. Find all programs on the “Public Relations/Podcasts” section of the WNYIL website by clicking here or on the graphic above. Transcripts of each program are also available at that link.

Mobile? On the go?

Live stream our broadcast 24/7 on your smartphone or tablet with one of the following apps!

listen on your smart speaker!

Do you have a Google Home or Amazon Echo smart speaker?

You can access our live stream, podcasts and our program schedule simply by asking!

Logo with multi-colored dots of varying sizes appearing above the words Google Assistant

You can also play the latest Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service podcasts using the Google Home smart speaker.

Google Home doesn’t have the same range of capabilities as the Amazon Echo, for example you can’t stream the live feed right now. But we’ll stay on top of the latest developments as the service matures. If you can, you may be able to tune in to our Live Feed on a remote device and cast the sound to your Google Home speaker. In the meantime here’s what you can say to listen to our podcasts.

To do this: Say “Ok Google” or “Hey Google,” then….

  1. “Listen to the Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service podcast.” Or “Play the Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service podcast “
  2. “Pause,” “Pause the podcast”
  3. “Resume,” “Continue playing”
  4. “Stop,” “Stop the podcast”
  5. “Play at 2x speed,” “Play slower/faster, “Play twice as fast”, “Play at half the speed”
  6. Play previous/next podcast: “Next,” “Skip,”  “Next podcast,” “Previous,” “Previous episode”
  7. “What’s playing?”, “What podcast is playing?”

Check the Programs listing at the top of this page for a list of available podcasts.

If using Alexa say: “Alexa, open Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service.” and follow the prompts!

  1. “Alexa, ask Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service to play live.”
  2. “Alexa, ask Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service to play the program schedule for (insert day of week here)”
  3. “Alexa, ask Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service to play a podcast.”


Access the Broadcast Live Stream and Podcasts of Your Favorite Publications!

Brought to you in part by the Lions Club of Buffalo Host Club    Lions Clubs International logo

NFRRS App Screenshot

NEW for 2025!

Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service now has its own app. This one-stop solution puts everything in one spot and makes finding and listening to programs much easier!

The app is free and available from the Apple App Store or Google Play

If you would like to help us develop the best app possible, download the version for your device and play with it. Then complete a short survey to tell us about your experience by clicking here

When we receive enough survey responses, we’ll draw a name for a Wegmans $25 gift card as our thanks! 

use your favorite podcast service!

Access the Live Stream through Sero and ZenoRadio

Sero logo featured a modernized white letter R etched into a red circle

Sero (formerly iBlink Radio)

Find Sero in the Apple App Store or on Google Play!

Zeno Radio logo. A white letter Z with a dot at each end on a gold backrgound


Find ZenoRadio in the Apple App Store or on Google Play!

Connect with us!


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